Where does the film coraline take place
Where does the film coraline take place

where does the film coraline take place

  • In the video game, halfway through the game they start referring to her as The Beldam in text boxes.Īll the Other inhabits were brought to the Otherworld by the Beldam.
  • And probably one of the fair folk, but also generally a scary lady who is pretty and pitiless.
  • It's short for "Belle dame sans merci"- a poem by John Keats.
  • The irony there is wrong, Beldam means witch.
  • So I think the correct term to refer to her really is "The Other Mother".
  • As far as I know, "beldam" just refers to a mean evil woman (ironically, from the french "belle dame" or beautiful lady).
  • Other Bobinski could've been a caring Other before, but had to become an entertainer do to real world conditions, since he himself didn't try and get Coraline, but the Beldam's rats did. That's why they rebelled against the Beldam.

    where does the film coraline take place

    Other Father and Wybie, whoever, were created to love and care, and they did exactly what they were meant for. Other Bobinski, Spink and Forcible were created to entertain. The Beldam created two types of Other people

  • The book Coraline isn't the emotional type, so in the book maybe she's just being a Cloudcuckoolander.
  • IE: When she thinks she sees the Other mother, she's actually looking at her real mother. (This WMG is based on the film and not the book, which I have never read.) The Other inhabitants could be periodic hallucinations that Coraline sometimes sees when looking at their real counterparts. I know, it's cliche, but I love looking at stories like these from this perspective. The Otherworld does not exist, and Coraline is just schizo. All of this is in Coraline's mind/fantasies as a way of dealing with her loneliness and feeling neglect from her parents (at the hand's of her clearly dominant mother, ergo why the Other Mother is the antagonist of her play-realm). The cat only talks when in the alternate apartment. The children's souls are just junk that a child could find and turn in to toys with some imagination. The Other Father is manipulated by machinery such as the piano, and bossed around to do the Other Mother's bidding.


    It's not completely unreasonable to suggest that due to boredom, she takes advantage of her dreams and pretends that her home is a secret place full of wonderful (and sometimes frightening) things.įor example, her father in reality appears to be a drone to his computer and work. There are a few arguments about why this could not be possible, (Bobinski's mice, the other mother's claw at the end) but the majority of the weird happenings take place after Coraline has gone to bed and end after Coraline has woken up. The Otherword does not exist it is the figment of a young girl's dreams and imagination.

  • Pfft, I knew that before I watched the movie.
  • It seems more like an attempt to win her affection, or at least tolerance, than anything else. First and for-most, guys don't just give dolls to girls only because of a resemblance. This is mostly here as a break from the fantastic theories that makes people's heads throb more then before, but there actually is some rather obvious hints. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.
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    Where does the film coraline take place